Author Archive

Changing people’s minds – how to turn ‘no’ into ‘yes’

Posted by  Mark Schenk —October 23, 2018
Filed in Business storytelling, Leadership Posts

Changing people’s minds can be tough, especially when they have strongly entrenched views. It turns out that story is a powerful weapon and here’s why.

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Moments are Powerful: Storytelling Workshop in Spain

Posted by  Mark Schenk —July 10, 2018
Filed in Business storytelling, Events

It’s particular moments that we think of when remembering a story we’ve been told. Learn how to use them at our storytelling workshop in Madrid, Spain.

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Storytelling for Leaders – June 2018, Brisbane

Posted by  Mark Schenk —May 23, 2018
Filed in Business storytelling, Events

Storytelling is a crucial skill for leaders. If you want to develop your skills, come along to our public storytelling workshop in Brisbane this June.

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Storytelling in Asia

Posted by  Mark Schenk —March 2, 2018
Filed in Business storytelling, Events

The Storytelling for Leaders® program is coming up on 6 March on Hong Kong Island. Details on that and other Storytelling opportunities can be found here:

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Don’t lose your credibility, avoid telling these stories

Posted by  Mark Schenk —January 9, 2018
Filed in Anecdotes, Business storytelling

There are many great stories out there that can be used to make business points. But avoid these overused stories, as they can reduce your credibility.

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The power of stories: a legal performance-enhancing substance

Posted by  Mark Schenk —December 20, 2017
Filed in Business storytelling, Culture, Leadership Posts

The power of stories helped lead the Richmond Football Club from a horror AFL season in 2016, to a premiership in 2017. Find out why stories worked here:

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The confirmation bias driving our behaviour

Posted by  Mark Schenk —September 8, 2017
Filed in Anecdotes, Culture, Insight

Confirmation bias affects us all. Hidden assumptions can cost dearly when it comes to tackling complex issues in business and society. Learn more here:

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Anecdotes are the pixels of your culture

Posted by  Mark Schenk —August 25, 2017
Filed in Anecdotes, Business storytelling, Culture

Like the bulk of an iceberg hidden below the water, the stories shaping your culture may not be fully visible. What stories are shaping your organisation?

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Anecdote’s Birthday: Putting stories to work for 13 years

Posted by  Mark Schenk —August 11, 2017
Filed in Business storytelling, News

Happy 13th birthday to everyone who has been part of the Anecdote journey. It’s been an amazing ride and we’ve learned so much along the way.

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Get in the sweet spot for effective storytelling

Posted by  Mark Schenk —June 27, 2017
Filed in Business storytelling

People often make one of two mistakes when they tell stories. The sweet spot of effective storytelling lies between these 2 errors, here’s how to find it.

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