Archive for the ‘Culture’ Category

Eating our own dog food: How Anecdote is using story to transform

You’ve probably heard people like us say, “To transform your culture, you need to change the stories you tell.” But what does that look like? Rob shares an example that’s happening within Anecdote.

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Innovation and execution are often incompatible

Posted by  Paul Honeywell —July 22, 2021
Filed in Anecdotes, Culture, Insight

Anecdote’s Chairman, Paul Honeywell, explores the difference between innovation and execution. The two areas almost always demand different skills, different people, and a different culture.

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099 – CEO becomes late chairman

Posted by  Anecdote International —March 16, 2021
Filed in Business storytelling, Culture, Podcast

How do you encourage productive behaviours? Listen to hear Shawn and Mark give five examples of reward and recognition in the workplace.

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098 – Gender biased snow job really hurts

Posted by  Anecdote International —March 9, 2021
Filed in Anecdotes, Business storytelling, Culture, Podcast

Are invisible biases impacting your decisions? Listen to hear how one man’s joke changed a town’s snow clearing system, preventing injuries and saving money.

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095 – Wolf stories in sheep’s clothing

Posted by  Anecdote International —February 16, 2021
Filed in Business storytelling, Communication, Culture, Podcast

People tend to do what they have always done, and sometimes without reason. Listen to hear how a grandmother’s necessity became her children’s norm.

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How to employ story techniques to cultivate innovation

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —October 15, 2020
Filed in Anecdotes, Communication, Culture, Insight

When we hear stories of innovation, we learn what’s possible, what to do, and what to avoid. These eight story-based approaches will cultivate innovation.

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076 – Dome making not an egg-xact science

Posted by  Anecdote International —September 22, 2020
Filed in Business storytelling, Culture, Podcast

Can you balance an egg on its pointy end? Listen to hear how Brunelleschi revolutionised how we think about innovation with one small egg demonstration.

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Untapped power of your employees—story listening

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —September 17, 2020
Filed in Communication, Culture, Employee Engagement

Worldwide employee engagement levels are low. Shawn Callahan explains where you might find the knowledge to reverse this trend within your organisation.

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How to avoid Zoom fatigue

Posted by  Cynden Adams —September 10, 2020
Filed in Communication, Culture, Employee Engagement

Since COVID-19 hit, Zoom meetings have become a daily reality. Here are our tips for avoiding Zoom fatigue while so many events are occurring virtually.

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074 – It’s not how good you say you are

Posted by  Anecdote International —September 8, 2020
Filed in Culture, Podcast, Selling

What happens when you highlight a colleague’s expertise to a prospect? Listen to hear how a simple tweak in conversation can dramatically change the sale.

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