Archive for November, 2023

198 – Mayor in the monkey suit – Stuart Drummond

Posted by  Anecdote International —November 30, 2023
Filed in Anecdotes, Podcast

People from Hartlepool UK are known colloquially as ‘monkey hangers’ – a moniker that stems from the Napoleonic Wars of the 1800s. But this story is about a larrikin mascot in a monkey suit making mayor and breaking records…

Shawn and Mark bring these disparate (but related) stories together to illustrate some business points around seizing the day, fact being stranger than fiction, and judging books by their covers.

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197 – Atlanta Olympic swim 1996 – Kieren Perkins

Posted by  Anecdote International —November 23, 2023
Filed in Anecdotes, Podcast

Australian champion swimmer Kieren Perkins barely qualified for the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, and only just made the final for the 1500 metre event. Shawn and Mark discuss how extraordinary ‘turn-arounds’, under promising and over delivering, and reduced expectations of self can sometimes lead to world class moments.

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196 – Better fire story – Michigan Uni

Posted by  Anecdote International —November 16, 2023
Filed in Anecdotes, Podcast, Uncategorized

Michigan University researchers sought to understand the ‘stickiness’ of stories – does factual or emotionally charged information provided ‘after the fact’ change how a story is told or re-told? Shawn and Mark discuss how a ‘better story’ might usurp an prevailing story (sometimes regardless of the truth).

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Niche groups love niche stories

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —November 8, 2023
Filed in Business storytelling

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that …

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195 – Bullet train kingfisher nose – Eiji Nakatsu

Posted by  Anecdote International —November 7, 2023
Filed in Anecdotes, Podcast

Bird watcher and engineer Eiji Nakatsu sped up and made Japan’s bullet trains quieter by studying the kingfisher’s beak.

Shawn and Mark stick their noses into how a business might use this story to encourage innovation through biomimicry.

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