197 – Atlanta Olympic swim 1996 – Kieren Perkins

Posted by  Anecdote International —November 23, 2023
Filed in Anecdotes, Podcast

Australian champion swimmer Kieren Perkins barely qualified for the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, and only just made the final for the 1500 metre event

Shawn and Mark discuss how extraordinary ‘turn-arounds’, under promising and over delivering, and reduced expectations of self can sometimes lead to world class moments

Welcome back to a new Anecdotally Speaking episode.

For your story bank

Tags: Kieren Perkins, adversity, turn-around, inspirational, under promise, over deliver

This story starts at 01:03

Kieren Perkins 1996 – Superfish

Prep for Atlanta Olympics

Daniel Kowalski ‘up and comer’ tipped for gold

K’s form slumped personal and health problems. Past his prime, self-talk was pretty ‘has been’

400 (world record holder)/800 metres didn’t qualify > only for 1500 m

Scrapes heats into the 1500 m final

Lane 8 – “same water as everyone else, give it a crack..”

Increased his lead with every lap throughout race

Led the whole race and won by 7 seconds and 20 metres
ahead of second placegetter

Things don’t always turn out the way you planned

Adversity (and taking the pressure off) can inspire amazing performance

About  Anecdote International

Anecdote International is a global training and consulting company, specialising in utilising storytelling to bring humanity back to the workforce. Anecdote is now unique in having a global network of over 60 partners in 28 countries, with their learning programs translated into 11 languages, and customers who incorporate these programs into their leadership and sales enablement activities.

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