Archive for the ‘Corporate Storytelling’ Category

118 – The grass is greener for the second mouse

Is there a place for parables in business storytelling? Listen to hear Shawn Callahan share two apocryphal stories that you could use in your workplace.

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Why would you share your point BEFORE telling your story?

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —July 29, 2021
Filed in Anecdotes, Business storytelling, Corporate Storytelling

Business storytelling is the mindful use of storytelling to make a business point. When you share your point before your story, you tell your audience why they should listen to you.

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117 – How a story illuminates an insight

Gary Klein once said, “Insight is when you unexpectedly come to a better story.” Listen to hear Shawn and Mike Adams exchange and explain the value of insight stories.

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116 – The client hero story in your sales example

It’s time to rethink the case study. Listen to hear how a success story can transform your sales process.

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115 – Less support gives more liberation

When circumstances change, the vision that brought you success in the past must also change. Listen to hear how a bra manufacturer overcame the challenges of the bra-burning movement of the 1970s.

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114 – Tails with the Raj of mice and men

Often an idea will need a reality check—can it be executed? Listen to hear how a senior leader at Microsoft discovered the impact of storytelling.

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113 – Low vaulting horse raises the bar

Attitude has a significant impact on performance. Listen to hear how a Russian gymnast went from storming out of one Olympic event to winning gold in the next.

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112 – FedEx helicopter story absolutely positively flies

If you give your employees guiding principles rather than rules, they will do amazing things. Listen to hear special guest Doug Keeley’s favourite business story of all time.

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111 – Apple devours Blackberry pie slice

Don’t get too fixed in your thinking, be ready to shift or adapt. Listen to hear how one CEO, set in his ways, caused his company’s market share to plummet.

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110 – Foreign ideas triggering the cultural immune system

Having an impact often depends on asking good questions. Listen to hear how the global phenomenon that is Earth Hour was born out of a question.

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