118 – The grass is greener for the second mouse

Is there a place for parables in business storytelling? Listen to hear Shawn Callahan share two apocryphal stories that you could use in your workplace.

Welcome to another episode of Anecdotally Speaking! This week, Anecdote Principal Paul Ichilcik joins Shawn as cohost.

Shawn shares two stories that, although apocryphal, are useful in a business context. He also mentions his new blog post, Why would you share your point BEFORE telling your story?, which you can find here.

You can find more parables and learn more about using them in the following episodes:

For your storybank

Tags: advice, apocryphal stories, behaviours, values.

Story 1

This story starts at 03:47

A young man once visited Mozart and told him, “I want to write symphonies,” before asking for his help.

“How old are you?” Mozart asked.

“I’m 23.”

“Oh, you’re too young to write symphonies.”

The young man was thrown. “But you were writing symphonies when you were ten years old!”

“But I wasn’t asking other people how to do it,” Mozart replied.

Story 2

This story starts at 10:30

A grandfather sat with his grandson. “There’s a fight going on inside me,” he told him, “A terrible fight between two wolves. One is evil, angry, greedy, jealous, arrogant, and cowardly. The other is good, peaceful, loving, modest, generous, honest, and trustworthy. These two wolves are fighting inside you too.” He continued, “In fact, everyone has these two wolves fighting inside them.”

The grandson asked, “But which wolf will win?”

“The one you feed.”

About  Anecdote International

Anecdote International is a global training and consulting company, specialising in utilising storytelling to bring humanity back to the workforce. Anecdote is now unique in having a global network of over 60 partners in 28 countries, with their learning programs translated into 11 languages, and customers who incorporate these programs into their leadership and sales enablement activities.

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