Archive for the ‘Communication’ Category

The meme of control

Posted by  Andrew Rixon —May 12, 2006
Filed in Communication, Culture

Thinking over how pervasive (and problematic?) the notion of control appears to be in organisations I was inspired to write a little piece around it. Here’s …

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Bridges and Hubs in Social Networks

Posted by  Andrew Rixon —May 11, 2006
Filed in Communication

When it comes to Social Network Analysis (SNA) a common practice is to use centrality measures such as Betweenness (Bridgeness), Closeness and Degree. For instance, …

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Techniques to encourage dialogue

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —May 8, 2006
Filed in Communication

Last week I suggested we needed more techniques that fostered deeper conversations in business. Well here is a new resource which will help you get …

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The Chief Knowledge Officer’s first speech

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —May 7, 2006
Filed in Communication

David Maister has just written an example speech for a new Marketing Director starting out in a law firm. It occurred to me that a …

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Keeping the momentum going after an open space

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —May 5, 2006
Filed in Anecdotes, Communication

A few months ago I facilitated an open space session for a group of knowledge coordinators working in a government agency. We spent the day …

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Building in deeper conversations in what we do

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —May 2, 2006
Filed in Communication

Denham Grey says: In a world of information and knowledge, the key process for business is conversation. At the same time we never seem to have time …

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Evaluating the soft stuff

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —April 24, 2006
Filed in Communication

Decision-makers are under increasing pressure to justify their decisions and then account for their success (or otherwise) to a variety of stakeholders. Evidence-based management (1) …

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The problem with Wayne Gretzky’s puck advice

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —April 22, 2006
Filed in Communication

Last week we were talking about metaphors used in organisations and how they affect they way people think, and act. One popped up which got me …

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Connecting People: How to Foster and Harness Your Organisation’s Connectors

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —April 14, 2006
Filed in Communication

I wrote this article with Stewart Forsyth from FX Consultants. Stewart and I have done a few projects together in New Zealand and it is …

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GAP Forum and increasing links in a social network

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —April 14, 2006
Filed in Communication

I was invited to attend the GAP Forum on Leveraging Networks in Business last week and caught up with some old friends like John Finnigan and …

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