Expanding our Storytelling for Leaders partner network

Posted by  Mark Schenk —September 16, 2014
Filed in News

Last weekend I was in Copenhagen as part of the Persona Global annual conference. Much of the weekend was spent certifying six new Partners to deliver our Storytelling for Leaders™ program. We managed to work our way through a packed schedule and had a great time doing so.

The expanding Storytelling for Leaders partner network

Storytelling for Leaders partner network
L-R: Janusz Kamieński (Poland), Apiwut Pimolsaengsuriya (Thailand), Mark Schenk (Anecdote), Paul Stuart (Singapore), Diego Ingrassia (Italy), Jose Luis Cascallar (Spain), Pedja Jovanovic (Serbia), Leah Rosenthal (Persona Global, US)

With such an international audience, it wasn’t surprising that one of the first questions asked was about the cross-cultural applicability of the program. I asked the group to re-visit the question at the end of the day when they had experienced the content. Everyone agreed that some minor tweaking is needed to ensure the content is relevant for different countries (videos from the country in question, changing problematic words – for example, ‘gist’ is not clearly understood in different languages and even some English-speaking countries struggle with it). But, the overwhelming agreement was that storytelling (and story-listening) operate at a basic human level and as such, the content tends to transcend cultures.

The program came at a good time for Janusz – he spoke at the TED Poland event a few days after the workshop. He has a great story about sailing to Australia in a tall ship as part of our Bicentennial celebrations.

If you are interested in experiencing the Storytelling for Leaders program in any of these countries then drop me a line and I’ll connect you to them.

Mark Schenk About  Mark Schenk

Mark works globally with senior leadership teams to improve their ability to communicate clearly and memorably. He has been a Director of Anecdote since 2004 and helped the company grow into one of the world’s leading business storytelling consultancies. Connect with Mark on:

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