Archive for 2022

172 – Feedback doesn’t work

Posted by  Anecdote International —December 20, 2022
Filed in Anecdotes, Podcast

Giving feedback doesn’t work; strengths, not weaknesses, offer growth opportunities. Listen to hear how Lionel Messi became one of the world’s best football players.

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171 – Everybody matters

Posted by  Anecdote International —December 13, 2022
Filed in Anecdotes, Podcast

Caring about the growth of your people is more likely to lead you to success than treating them like resources. Listen to hear how Bob Chapman transformed his family business so that its revenue grew from $18 million to over $2 billion.

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170 – One person can change the world

Posted by  Anecdote International —December 8, 2022
Filed in Anecdotes, Podcast

Change comes from unexpected sources. Listen to hear how Malcolm McLean changed the world transportation landscape.

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Replay 136 – Experiences change minds

Posted by  Anecdote International —November 29, 2022
Filed in Anecdotes, Podcast

Suggestions and arguments don’t change minds, but experiences do. Listen to hear how a husband finally persuaded his wife to buy herself a new, improved bike.

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169 – Model beneficial behaviours

Posted by  Anecdote International —November 22, 2022
Filed in Anecdotes, Podcast

Model the behaviours that will benefit your entire team. Listen to hear how Captain James Cook saved his crew from scurvy.

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168 – It’s not about you

Posted by  Anecdote International —November 15, 2022
Filed in Anecdotes, Podcast

Don’t get caught up in the moment. It’s not about you. Listen to hear how some stern words eased Jason Alexander’s anxiety and pushed him back onto the acting path.

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167 – Believe in your people

Posted by  Anecdote International —November 8, 2022
Filed in Anecdotes, Podcast

Believe in your people, and they’ll believe in themselves. Listen to hear how the support of a coach and school principal changed Michael Lewis’ life. 

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Learning by Immersion: Lessons from Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney is famous for not being able to read or write music. So what can we learn about mastering storytelling from how he acquired his musical prowess?

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166 – Don’t let money be your purpose

Posted by  Anecdote International —November 1, 2022
Filed in Anecdotes, Podcast

The purpose of an organisation can hugely impact the way it behaves. Listen to hear how a monetary focus made Boeing responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people.

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165 – Well-managed diverse teams are more productive

Posted by  Anecdote International —October 25, 2022
Filed in Anecdotes, Podcast

Poorly managed diverse teams are less productive than homogenous teams, but when managed well, diverse teams are the most productive. Listen for a taste of what Anecdote Principal Rob Grundel will cover in our upcoming webinar.

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