Archive for 2015

Improve your writing – do not mention stories

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —March 11, 2015
Filed in Business storytelling

In our race to get stories into our content we have made the simple mistake of telling everyone we are sharing stories. Here is a very simple solution.

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Meeting in Europe

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —March 1, 2015
Filed in News

I head off to Europe on Saturday. I’ll be speaking at the World Communication Forum in Davos on the 10-11 March and then heading over to Berlin to run a …

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How to stop your change program from stalling

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —February 24, 2015
Filed in Business storytelling, Culture, Strategy

Large change program projects always start with good momentum. But what can you do to avoid a project slump? Use stories to remember purpose.

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Effective vision statements evoke imagery

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —February 12, 2015
Filed in Strategy

Most vision statements lack imagery which has been shown to impact performance. This recent study shows how imagery is important.

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How to develop the vital habit of noticing stories

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —February 4, 2015
Filed in Business storytelling

Once you learn how to spot stories you need to build your business storytelling repertoire by developing the vital habit of noticing stories. Here’s how:

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A prescription for influence: The two story solution for change

Posted by  Amanda Marko —January 23, 2015
Filed in Business storytelling, Communication

A negative story can be attention grabbing. Here is a method to take this advantage and create a positive result – the two story solution.

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Why aren’t we telling stories in business?

Posted by  Mark Schenk —January 20, 2015
Filed in Business storytelling

The desire to keep things impersonal can be a significant barrier to telling stories in a business context and to more engaging and memorable communication.

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A simple method to help you to remember stories

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —January 15, 2015
Filed in Business storytelling

This video describes a simple method to help you to remember stories so you can tell them off the cuff at the most effective times.

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The link between memory and stories

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —January 8, 2015
Filed in Business storytelling

The link between memory and stories is tightly woven. You can’t understand story without understanding memory. This post looks at some of the research.

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