Business storytelling training – Melbourne, Australia

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —November 3, 2014
Filed in Business storytelling, News

Storytelling for Leaders

Influence without relying on authority.

Build fast rapport.

Change minds and inspire action.

Anecdote’s Storytelling for Leaders program will teach you the techniques you need to better influence, engage and inspire others – just as hundreds of leaders already have, from Melbourne to New York, London to Singapore.

This is the last business storytelling training session in Australia for 2014. 11th December. You can get your tickets here.

Organisations are changing quickly. Structures are flatter and reporting lines more complex. Staff and customers are spread around the world. And everyone is deafened by the ‘noise’ of information inundation. Yet the modern leader still needs to be able to influence and persuade in this constantly fluid environment.

The sharing of stories orally is a powerful way of cutting through. When we tell stories, people ‘get’ what we are saying – and they remember it. This is the case whether we are communicating informally (which is what we do most of the time) or in a more formal environment such as a presentation.

“Other presentations were dry and heavy, but the Yammer presentations really stood out because we were telling stories versus merely sharing data.” A Storytelling for Leaders participant describes the way storytelling changed her presentations. Click here to hear more.

More than just storytelling

Storytelling for Leaders will teach you a systematic method for becoming a better, more confident storyteller. However, the program goes further. You will also learn how to use the magic of stories to get more from others:

  • Story-triggering involves a leader doing something remarkable enough that it inspires people in the organisation to recount what happened. We show you how you can do this successfully.
  • Story-listening is the art of getting others to share stories. You’ll learn how to elicit stories from others, building stronger connections and gaining a better understanding of what’s really happening.

More than a workshop

Storytelling for Leaders is not a one-off workshop but a complete six-month program. It includes:

  • A full one-day workshop. The workshop is highly interactive as we strongly believe in the power of practical activities to foster learning. Throughout the day you will engage in hands-on activities designed to build your storytelling skills and confidence. See the workshop in action here.
  • Our unique Deliberate Practice Program (DPP). This workplace-based program includes six modules, spread over six months, which will embed and enhance what was learnt in the workshop. Most of the learning you do will occur in the workplace, during the DPP, rather than at the workshop.

The Deliberate Practice Program includes online support, with the opportunity to ask questions and share your experiences at any time.

“The workshop covered a lot of territory in a way that combined analytical rigour with a clear and informal delivery. I recommend it without reservation.”

Who should attend?

Storytelling for Leaders is beneficial to anyone whose role requires them to influence, engage and inspire others. Previous participants have included senior leaders, project managers, salespeople, consultants and trainers.

About Anecdote

Anecdote is a management consulting firm recognized as a world leader in the use of storytelling in business. We have helped some of the world’s leading companies, such as IBM, Shell, BHP Billiton and KPMG develop their storytelling and leadership capability.

Anecdote has offices in three locations in Australia, and partners in the UK, India, Mexico and Singapore. We deliver projects and programs right across the globe.

About your presenter

Shawn CallahanShawn Callahan founded Anecdote in 2004 with the clear purpose of restoring humanity to the workplace. An entertaining and enthusiastic storyteller himself, Shawn has run storytelling programs for thousands of participants in some of the world’s biggest companies.





What are my transport/parking options getting to the event?

Inspire9 is located opposite Richmond train station on Stewart St. We strongly encourage you to arrive by bike or train, as these are the easiest ways to travel to and from Inspire9 – not to mention it’s pretty eco-friendly. We currently have bike racks inside the office providing spaces for 23 bikes.

The area is a little limited for parking options. Street parking is available in 2 hour time slots from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. There is also a nearby car park just a short 10 min stroll from the space on 560 Church St in Cremorne. If you need to park the whole day (12 hours) is $11 or causal parking is $2.50 per hour.

About  Shawn Callahan

Shawn, author of Putting Stories to Work, is one of the world's leading business storytelling consultants. He helps executive teams find and tell the story of their strategy. When he is not working on strategy communication, Shawn is helping leaders find and tell business stories to engage, to influence and to inspire. Shawn works with Global 1000 companies including Shell, IBM, SAP, Bayer, Microsoft & Danone. Connect with Shawn on:

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