Seasons greetings from Anecdote

Posted by  Mark Schenk —December 21, 2010
Filed in Fun

IHolly For Christmasts that time of year again. I opened the post office box this morning and found it brimming with wishes for the festive season. Its a great time of year to reflect on the relationships we value and to reach out and connect with them.

Shawn and I want to thank all the great people we have worked with and had coffee and conversations with during the year. It has been a big year for Anecdote. We have welcomed Kevin Bishop into the Anecdote team. We have delivered projects with great people: Patrick Lambe from Straits Knowledge; Victoria Ward, Paul Corney, Philip Gibson and the whole team at Sparknow; Andrew Fookes from Phenomenology; Michael Craner at 2M4Ward; Tony High from Insight Learning; Josh Burns our talented video guy, Christian Dahmen – our trusted advisor (our thoughts are with you Christian); Peter Ernest from Values Journey; Helle Norgaard; Terrence Gargiulo at Making Stories; and Pat and Nathan at Inspire9. There are many others and I trust they will forgive us for not naming them specifically – but they have all contributed to a successful year for Anecdote.

We are very excited about the impending launch of Zahmoo, our ‘story bank’ application. We are using it internally already and once we finish user testing it will be available for use by our clients. We also see Zahmoo as a great way for every family to capture and store their family stories.

To all our family, friends, colleagues and clients…best wishes for a safe and happy festive season and we wish you all the best of health, happiness and success for 2011.

from the team at Anecdote

Mark Schenk About  Mark Schenk

Mark works globally with senior leadership teams to improve their ability to communicate clearly and memorably. He has been a Director of Anecdote since 2004 and helped the company grow into one of the world’s leading business storytelling consultancies. Connect with Mark on:

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