Humanity at work

Posted by  Mark Schenk —June 17, 2010
Filed in Leadership Posts

Last night I started reading Immunity to Change by Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey. I highlighted a phrase in the introduction that really stood out for me. This morning I was looking through my notebook and came across notes from a conversation I had with Shawn on 19 March this year after he had read the same book. The note contained the same phrase I had highlighted last night. I wanted to share this piece of serendipity with you.

The paragraph in question was about the leaders they had worked with who were successful in implementing real and lasting change and the point noted by both Shawn and I was:

…all [these leaders] shared on thing in common…a deep and abiding recognition that their people bring their humanity to work with them every single day; that the absolute division between the work realm and the personal realm is naive and unhelpful; and that 21st Century leaders must find a more effective way to engage the emotional lives of their organisations and their leadership teams.

Mark Schenk About  Mark Schenk

Mark works globally with senior leadership teams to improve their ability to communicate clearly and memorably. He has been a Director of Anecdote since 2004 and helped the company grow into one of the world’s leading business storytelling consultancies. Connect with Mark on:

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