Archive for 2009

Merry Christmas

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —December 20, 2009
Filed in News

It’s been weighing on my mind for a couple of months now. I haven ‘t posted nearly enough blogs. There seems to be so much …

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Rules are for the guidance of the wise

Posted by  Mark Schenk —November 25, 2009
Filed in Anecdotes, Communication, Leadership Posts

This morning, Shawn and I compared recent airline lounge experiences. Mine went a like this On Monday morning I took my Mum to the airport …

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The role scripts play in finding stories

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —November 16, 2009
Filed in Business storytelling

Everyday we tell those closest to us (our family, friends, colleagues) about what happened to us: today, yesterday, last week. Occasionally we’ll reminisce about the …

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More proof that emotion is a powerful force in making sense of information

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —November 9, 2009
Filed in Anecdotes, Strategy

In 2004 Drew Westen and his colleagues put together an experiment to see how people of a particular political persuasion (Democrat or Republican) make sense …

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ROI on building management capability

Posted by  Mark Schenk —November 6, 2009
Filed in Strategy

Today’s Australian Financial Review (p7) reports on the release of a study funded by the federal government. The report, titled ‘Management Matters in Australia: Just …

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Working out what our corporate values really mean?

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —October 26, 2009
Filed in Anecdotes, Business storytelling, Strategy

Most organisations I know have a set of stated values. You know what I mean, things like integrity, professionalism, respect for the individual. And in …

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Blog action day

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —October 16, 2009
Filed in News

On Tuesday morning this week 27 members of the Creative Performance Exchange (CPX) met to work out what we could do to make a difference …

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Celebrating Story

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —October 11, 2009
Filed in Business storytelling, News

I’m sitting here watching the sun peak up over the trees and bushes that define the boundary of our backyard thinking about the enjoyable conference …

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How to tell a story

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —October 2, 2009
Filed in Business storytelling

Some great advice from Scott Simon.

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More than just a launch

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —September 28, 2009
Filed in Business storytelling, Strategy

Stories are our natural way to plan. We imagine how things are going to work out, who are the players, what incidents might befall us …

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