Archive for 2008

When should we collaborate?

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —December 3, 2008
Filed in Collaboration

Is it collaboration when you’re sent the yearly performance review spreadsheet and instructed to assess your staff’s performance? Absolutely not; it’s an act of co-ordination. …

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Getting collaboration-ready from day one

Posted by  chandni —December 2, 2008
Filed in Collaboration

Organizational silos can often become one of the biggest barriers to collaboration. You may have all the right intentions, collaboration could even be a strategic …

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Collaboration requires fairness

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —November 28, 2008
Filed in Anecdotes, Collaboration

Humans have a strong sense of fairness. If two people are given a sum of money and one is asked to divide it and offer …

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Scientific discovery and the value of collaboration

Posted by  chandni —November 25, 2008
Filed in Anecdotes, Collaboration

Scientists in Iowa recently reported a breakthrough discovery. They successfully identified the gene (PRICKLE1) which when mutated causes epilepsy. There’s two things amazing about this …

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What is the leader’s role?

Posted by  chandni —November 24, 2008
Filed in Leadership Posts

I was reading a presentation on collaborative behaviours in nursing and came across this great quote. “The most critical aspect of leadership is the desire …

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Knowledge management for the experienced practitioner

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —November 21, 2008
Filed in Events

Next year I will be giving a couple of presentations at the Ark Group’s conference, KM for the Experienced Practitioner. It will be in my …

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In-house workshops instead of a public program

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —November 20, 2008
Filed in Events

For four years Anecdote has delivered a range of innovative public workshops on topics including storytelling for business leaders, building a collaborative workplace and business …

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Past experience holding back collaborations

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —November 20, 2008
Filed in Anecdotes, Collaboration

Last Friday I ran a workshop for a client on collaboration. I emphasised collaborative practices and behaviours and at one point I introduced the idea …

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What is effectiveness?

Posted by  Mark Schenk —November 18, 2008
Filed in Communication

I just opened the book “Semper and Score: Enhancing Organisational Effectiveness” by Tom Graves and was taken by the elegantly simple answer to this question …

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A little productivity tip for Firefox users—smart keywords

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —November 14, 2008
Filed in News

Just noticed this feature in Firefox this morning which is a real time saver. I’m often looking around for books and I have a couple …

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