Starting and Sustaining Communities of Practice – New Workshop

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —March 9, 2006
Filed in News

COP_webWe are excited to announce our new Starting and Sustaining Communities of Practice workshop. We will run it in Melbourne and Canberra on the 19th and 20th of April respectively. Mark and I will be your facilitators and we look forward to meeting you.

Here is the brochure describing the workshop with the form for registration.

About  Shawn Callahan

Shawn, author of Putting Stories to Work, is one of the world's leading business storytelling consultants. He helps executive teams find and tell the story of their strategy. When he is not working on strategy communication, Shawn is helping leaders find and tell business stories to engage, to influence and to inspire. Shawn works with Global 1000 companies including Shell, IBM, SAP, Bayer, Microsoft & Danone. Connect with Shawn on:

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