Archive for 2004

Communities and the role of variety

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —November 26, 2004
Filed in Collaboration

I just heard today that a chapter Trish Milne and I wrote has been published. The book is called Human Perspectives in the Internet Society …

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Communities and Social Networks

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —November 26, 2004
Filed in Collaboration

Matt Moore made a good comment in response to my last blog entry I have recently been trying to link the thinking on Small World …

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Types of Tacit Knowledge

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —November 26, 2004
Filed in Insight

There has been some discussion during November in ActKM about whether tacit knowledge can be captured. Opinion ranged from ‘definitely yes’ to ‘absolutely no’. This …

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Mapping Communities

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —November 24, 2004
Filed in Collaboration

It is difficult to build a community of practice from scratch. In fact, the construction metaphor of ‘building’ a community is inappropriate. Rather, it is …

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Sydney Cynefin Training – Dec 2004

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —November 23, 2004
Filed in News

This years’ Cynefin Certification Training is shaping up to be a well attended and exciting event. Dave Snowden will be here with me and Viv Read to facilitate the learning. There has been considerable interest in the researchers’ stream, which is a new idea for us. It will enable people to delve into the theory which underpins the techniques.

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Starting a new blog

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —November 22, 2004
Filed in News

This is my 3rd blog with previous efforts at blogspot and radio. I plan to republish some of my previous blogs here as well as keep you up to date with what is happening with Anecdote and Cynefin in Australia.

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