Sick of boring conferences? Maybe creating new stories can help

Posted by  Andrew Rixon —September 26, 2005
Filed in Communication

SherlockHolmesEarlier this year Johnnie Moore put together an interesting podcast on Unconferencing, asking the question of how can we get away from unsatisfying and boring conferences?

I just heard a great story from Rob Thomson a library technician at BlueScopeSteel who designed a detective game to help get delegates more engaged with exhibitors and their stands at a recent 2005 ALIA National Library and Information Technicians Conference . The game was based on the idea of getting delegates to seek out clues from exhibitors stands which would help them locate a missing book. Rob told me that his inspiration came after hearing that forensic courses at Uni had exploded because of CSI/Cold Case type shows and had said to his daughter that if only there was a TV show about Librarians then maybe interest in being a librarian would soar…


Prior to the conference, Rob circulated the rules of the game to the delegates, including a great story  around the founders of a (fictional) agency called the Library Book Recovery Agency  (LiBRA) with two central characters Winston MacArthur Leeds and Victoria Follows. Follows and Leeds were co-sponsers of the conference.  An amusing story which emerged was how several people thought that LiBRA was a real organisation and had passed it on to their bosses… maybe as an answer for all those missing books out there……


About  Andrew Rixon

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