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Story-powered Leadership Resource Centre

These resources accompany the Story-Powered Leadership workshop.


In the workshop we covered business without misunderstanding, why your message may not be sticking and what storytelling can do to help.

Here are some additional resources around these topics. These links contain a range of examples that illustrate the issues which might be of use to you.

YouTube Video
Shawn Callahan explaining why stories are memorable
In this 4 minute clip, Shawn shares insights on the value of storytelling—focusing on memorability. He shares the story of what happened at an IBM conference he spoke at.
Blog post
The link between memory and stories
A comprehensive and fully referenced blog post exploring the strong correlation between storytelling and memory retention, and how using emotion can increase this even further.
Women business leaders telling stories
Four videos showcasing top women leaders using their storytelling skills in business.
Nine business leaders telling business stories
Nine great examples of inspirational leaders using business storytelling to get their message to stick.
Blog post
Be specific
In this blog post, Mark highlights the importance of being specific when you are telling a business story.
Assertions are red, stories are blue
This blog post demonstrates, using audio examples, the power of using stories rather than assertions to illustrate your business point.
blog post
The evolution of storytelling
An extensive and well-researched piece by Shawn Callahan. Here Shawn explores the evolution of storytelling, and how it is our innate way of communicating.
Corporate Storytelling—The Essential Guide
We wrote this whitepaper to provide practical guidance on what corporate storytelling is, and the many ways it can drive better business performance.
The Science of Storytelling
Over the past 50 years, fascinating research has revealed the impact stories can have when human beings use them to communicate. In this article, we summarise our favourite studies.
Stories are the brain’s natural language
This blog post shows how stories are so powerful because that is how our brains are structured—our brains work by identifying and predicting sequences of related events.