Free article

The Science of Storytelling

what studies show and what businesses need to know
about the power of story.

Anecdote article image: The Science of StorytellingShawn Callahan tells of how, when he started Anecdote 18 years ago, there was great resistance among business folk to using the word ‘story’.

Things have changed since those early years. Storytelling is now acknowledged as an important tool in the arsenal of every leader and salesperson. But how do we know that story ‘works’?

Over the past 50 years, there has been some fascinating research showing the impact that stories can have when human beings use them to pass on information. We want to share some of our favourite studies.

Download our free article where, to back the claim that using a story in business ‘works’, we demonstrate the following characteristics:

  • Story is accessible to everybody;
  • Story is a natural information-transfer mechanism between people;
  • Introducing any new idea with story makes that idea more memorable and emotionally resonant;
  • Story is likely to inspire action; and
  • Any strongly held view can be influenced using story.

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Rob Grundel, Shawn Callahan, Mark Schenk and Mike Adams are the principals of Anecdote International. They are best-selling authors, expert facilitators and world-leading thought leaders on corporate storytelling. You can contact them at

Rob Grundel, Principal, AnecdoteShawn Callahan, Founder, AnecdoteMark Schenk, Managing Director, AnecdoteMike Adams, Head of Story-Powered Sales, Anecdote