Welcome to SFL Online

These resources accompany the Storytelling for Leaders workshop.



Here are some additional resources, such as a blog post on the evolution of storytelling, to help bring everything together. There are also some business storytelling tips that will help you be even better business storytellers.

YouTube video
Shawn Callahan explaining why stories are memorable
In this 4-minute clip, Shawn shares insights on the value of storytelling—focusing on memorability. He shares the story of what happened at an IBM conference he spoke at.
blog post
Practical business storytelling tips
Here Shawn shares seven simple tips to improve your business storytelling.
Blog post
Be specific
In this blog post, Mark highlights the importance of being specific when you are telling a business story.
YouTube video
Remembering your stories
A 4-minute video with Shawn Callahan. Shawn shares a useful tip on how to remember the stories that you are going to tell.
blog post
The evolution of storytelling
An extensive and well-researched piece by Shawn Callahan. Here Shawn explores the evolution of storytelling, and how it is our innate way of communicating.
blog post
The importance of deliberate practice
In this blog post, Shawn explores the importance of deliberate practice in order to become a high achiever. This blog post was written before Anecdote developed the Deliberate Practice Program to accompany the Storytelling for Leaders workshop.
blog post
Mondegreens, gigs and deliberate practice
In this blog post, Mark describes storytelling as a skill and highlights the importance of practicing in order to refine it.