When a salesperson tells the right story to connect with a prospect, magic happens.

Experience Anecdote’s Story-Powered Sales program on a free ticket to evaluate its suitability for your organisation and see how it can transform your sales team for more and better business.

We’re inviting sales leaders to attend our invitation-only Story-Powered Sales program on a complimentary ticket! You’ll see how the program will help your salespeople exceed their targets and drive your business forward, so you can let go and trust your team to deliver.

To register for your ticket, book a 30-minute chat with Mike Adams to find out whether our program would be a good fit for you.

 Book your chat with Mike 

Mike Adams is the head of Anecdote’s Story-Powered Sales program, an expert facilitator and story consultant who has helped many international companies story-power their sales teams. He is also the author of the international bestseller Seven Stories Every Salesperson Must Tell.

Why sales storytelling?

Salespeople routinely fail to deliver on their forecasts because they don’t know how to connect and find out what’s really happening in their prospects’ organisation.

As Patti Digh wrote, “The shortest distance between two people is a story.” Sharing stories is the fastest way for two people to connect and build trust. And that’s where our program starts.

Salespeople can learn to build rapport and establish a change agenda simply by sharing stories—no deception or pushy sales questions. Sharing stories to correct your client’s incorrect beliefs and to demonstrate your company values will lead to faster, better and higher-value deals.

With a story-powered sales team, you can say goodbye to the stress of leading people.

How does the program work?

Story-Powered Sales is a four-month learning program. It starts with four 2-hour interactive virtual workshops that teach the core concepts and which stories to tell at what point in the sales cycle. These are the workshops you’ll experience on the invitational course. They then culminate in a story competition.

In the lead-up to the competition, we individually coach each participant to tell three types of story from your business. Then in teams of three or four, participants spend several hours preparing stories for a relevant client pitch before competitively sharing them with the cohort. Senior observers from your company help judge the competition and witness the transformation in the participants’ skill. We deliver the resulting stories to you in a story bank app that anyone in your team can access and use for their next sales call.

Meanwhile, we run our four-month Deliberate Practice Program (DPP) to embed the learning, establish the habit of business storytelling and build your company story bank. The DPP includes story coaching, weekly awareness emails and an online course.

The learning program

Will it work for my team?

We designed Story-Powered Sales for teams that need to consult and solve problems with their clients, not transactional sellers who follow a script.

You don’t have to have your company stories in good shape—we’ll get them there through the program. And your people don’t need to be fantastic communicators—we’ll get them there too.


Anecdote is a training and consulting firm recognised as a world leader in the use of storytelling in business. We help leaders and sellers tap into the natural power of stories to build rapport, explain change and make their strategy stick. And we help organisations become more human and engaging.

We have worked with some of the world’s leading companies, including SAP, Microsoft, Allianz, AMEX, IBM, Shell, KPMG, Accenture, Nokia, Adobe and Salesforce. With partners in 28 countries and programs in 11 languages, we deliver projects for clients across the globe.

Get ready to transform your sales team and reserve your place in an invitation-only Story-Powered Sales program today.

The program is only for senior sales leaders evaluating the program and Anecdote facilitators-in-training and there are limited spaces available.

Book your 30-minute
chat with Mike

You can download a PDF program brochure here.


“Wow, what an amazing training course! Before starting, I was hesitant about the effectiveness of an online training session, as well as learning new sales techniques. I could not believe how engaging it was online and how connected I felt to the class. Having the ability to take in smaller sessions was, in my opinion, an advantage, as it gave valuable time in between the sessions to consolidate learning and practice the techniques with great coaching. I’m looking forward to the post-course coaching and have no hesitation in recommending the online course—such a great way to engage and motivate sales people.”

—Claire Visser, Head of Business Development at Interserve