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Data storytelling is one of the most effective ways to influence decision makers
Download our free article and learn how to use storytelling techniques to give meaning to data.
We are becoming increasingly reliant on data to inform the decisions we make every day. We can use data to inspire others, but first we must understand and communicate its meaning in an inspiring way. How can we better understand and communicate data? Stories connect data and establish meaning. They bring data to life.
Download our free article and learn how to:
- Find the stories hidden in data;
- Tell stories in an inspiring, lively manner; and
- Have others tell stories about you and your data.
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Shawn is the author of the award-winning Putting Stories to Work and one of the world’s leading business storytelling consultants. He is the founder of Anecdote, the world’s largest business storytelling enterprise that operates in over 28 countries in 11 languages. Shawn works around the world helping leaders find and tell their stories so their message is clear and memorable. He has had the privilege of assisting Global 1000 companies such as IBM, Shell, Mars and KPMG.