083 – Corporate Storytelling—Brand communication with Darren Woolley

Posted by  Anecdote International —November 10, 2020
Filed in Communication, Corporate Storytelling, Podcast

Have you been in a boring presentation, wearily watching slide after slide? Listen to hear marketing guru and friend of Anecdote, Darren Woolley, unpack brand communication.

Welcome to the second episode of our Anecdotally SpeakingCorporate Storytelling series! At the end of October, we released a paper titled Corporate Storytelling—The Essential Guide. It is our definitive guide to corporate storytelling and delves into the myriad of ways you can apply storytelling in a business context. To access the paper, click here!

Thank you to Darren Woolley for being part of this episode. If you want to connect with Darren, click here.

Next week we will have Asia’s leading business storytelling expert and Anecdote’s partner in India, Indranil Chakraborty, giving us an insight into values communication. Stay tuned!

For your storybank

Tags: brand, corporate storytelling, power

This story starts at 17:35

A few years ago, in Canada, Darren Woolley, Founder and Global CEO of TrinityP3 Marketing, and a colleague were meeting with several different agencies to hear their brand stories.

The first agency was a large, independent one. They entered an impressive foyer, and the CEO sauntered over. He had a swagger in his walk. Darren thought this was a great sign as he was obviously confident.

The CEO took them into a board room where his entire team was sitting around a table, all anxious to present their story to Darren. The CEO started by saying, “I am going to tell you the story of our agency. It’s going to take 15 minutes, so I would appreciate it if you would sit there and listen for the entire time.” Darren agreed, then he commenced.

The CEO went through slide after slide. He listed how many staff the agency has, how many clients it has, and then he shared some case studies. This sort of speech was typical of an agency credentials presentation.

When the CEO finished, he looked at Darren eagerly and asked, “How did we go?”

Darren answered, “That was the longest 17 minutes of my life.”

Darren was expecting a story, but the team gave him a list of company features. He couldn’t remember any important information as they hadn’t presented it as a story, so the agency had no lasting impact on Darren.

About  Anecdote International

Anecdote International is a global training and consulting company, specialising in utilising storytelling to bring humanity back to the workforce. Anecdote is now unique in having a global network of over 60 partners in 28 countries, with their learning programs translated into 11 languages, and customers who incorporate these programs into their leadership and sales enablement activities.

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