Storytelling for Sales in Melbourne

Posted by  Daryl Cook —March 7, 2013
Filed in News

Continuing our series of public workshops in 2013, we’re really excited about running our *Storytelling for Sales* program in Melbourne on Wednesday, 20th March 2013.
Great sales people are great storytellers. But we often assume this a natural gift that you either have, or you don’t. It’s not the case. We can all use the natural power of stories to sell.
Our program will show you how you can systematically harness the natural power of stories to create connection with, understand the needs of, and communicate clearer with your clients.
Gatner recently put sixty people from their sales team through this program to kick off the new year. Here’s what they said about it …
> “The session was high energy, hands-on and practical. My team loved it. At Gartner we’re excellent at training our people on the left brain approach. But Anecdote and storytelling gives us the right brain, the emotion that’s so important in selling. I highly recommend it.”
> — Regional Vice President, Australia & New Zealand
Tickets for this workshop are $695. There are only four places left so don’t delay. [Register now »](

About  Daryl Cook

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