Storytelling for Sales – First ever public workshop (Melbourne, 20th March 2013)

Posted by  Kevin Bishop —February 18, 2013
Filed in Business storytelling, News

We are all looking for better ways to sell.

Better ways to build relationships with our clients. Better ways to understand their needs. Better ways to communicate our products and services with impact.

We all want to stand out from our competitors.

Anecdote’s Storytelling for Sales Program develop’s your story skills to do exactly that.

We are excited to announce that we’ll be running our first Storytelling for Sales public workshop here in Melbourne on Wednesday the 20th March 2013.

Tickets for this special workshop are only $695, but there are only six places available, so you’ll need to be in quick.

To find out more about the program and to register please go here.

About  Kevin Bishop

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