Collaboration presentation in Canberra

Posted by  Mark Schenk —February 24, 2009
Filed in Collaboration, News

I am giving a presentation at the actKM monthly meeting on Tuesday 3rd March. The location is the National Archives of Australia in Barton. Arrive for drinks from about 5.15 pm with the presentation going from about 5.45 pm till 6.45 pm. Details are on the actKM website.

The title of the presentation is ‘Collaboration….takes more than wishful thinking’. It will focus on the practicalities of developing effective collaboration cultures and skills with plenty of illustrations from our work with public and private sector organisations, both large and small, local and international.

I will describe the urgent need to build collaborative cultures and skills. Not just for our success internally, but also to ensure success with stakeholders, clients, suppliers and partners. This is particularly true when times are tough and our focus needs to be on making the most of available resources. 2009 will mark the tipping point where organisations will move from emphasising collaboration tools to placing the effort on people, on their behaviours and capabilities. We mustn’t forget: it’s people who collaborate.

If you are in Canberra next Tuesday then you are welcome to come along. No RSVP required.

Mark Schenk About  Mark Schenk

Mark works globally with senior leadership teams to improve their ability to communicate clearly and memorably. He has been a Director of Anecdote since 2004 and helped the company grow into one of the world’s leading business storytelling consultancies. Connect with Mark on:

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