Knowlege Management Workshops in Australia

Posted by  Krista Schmeling —December 7, 2007
Filed in Business storytelling, Events

We had a great day on Monday running our Narrative Techniques for Business workshop in Canberra. The venue overlooked Lake Burley Griffin and we had a fun group of people attend from within Canberra and interstate.
I started at Anecdote in mid-October and one of the things I have been working on is our 2008 workshop schedule. We’ve decided to focus on three of our most popular workshops: Storytelling for Business Leaders, Starting and Sustaining Communities of Practice, and Narrative Techniques for Business. We’ve just released our schedule for 2008, which can be found on the workshops page of our website. We also have a printable version of this calendar. For more information, or to register for a workshop, please follow the links, or e-mail us on for more information. We hope to see you at one of our workshops next year.

About  Krista Schmeling

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