Collaboration at Tipping Point

Posted by  chandni —November 19, 2007
Filed in Collaboration

There are many ways to encourage collaboration in an organization. Using Web 2.0 tools is a great way to start a collaborative discussion in under 5 minutes.
I came across an interesting collaborative concept recently

Launched in September 2007, The Point is a community where people can come together to solve the problems that are too big or time-consuming to solve alone. The Point is a groundbreaking way to use the Internet that helps groups of like-minded people get things done. How? No one is obligated to do anything unless a campaign reaches its “tipping point.” At the tipping point, everyone springs into action, knowing they have the numbers to make a difference.

Great way to get people involved to test an idea or get a democratic vote before leaping into a decision (and avoid email overload)!

About  chandni


  1. Chandni,
    Now this is very interesting. Thanks for sharing. I don’t know exactly how I can use this to further my goals but it’s worth considering.

  2. chandni says:

    Hi Michelle,
    The first thing that struck me when I browsed this tool is using it to get people’s opinion on a project or policy. Is something worth doing, should we do it now or wait? …that sort of decision-making, especially if people are geographically apart.
    And I think the format holds the possibility of generating some excitement and energy!

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